AI or artificial intelligence, is the creation of computer systems capable of doing activities that would normally require human intelligence. Learning, thinking, problem-solving, perception, language comprehension, and decision-making are examples of these tasks. AI is classified into two types: narrow AI and general AI. Narrow AI is intended to do narrow tasks, such as voice recognition or picture categorization, whereas general AI aspires to have the same degree of intellect and competence as humans across a broad range of activities.

AI is becoming increasingly popular for a variety of reasons, including:

Technological advancements: 

Significant advances in computer power, data storage, and algorithms have enabled the creation of more advanced AI systems throughout the years. These improvements have made AI more approachable and capable of dealing with complicated situations.

Big data and greater connectivity: 

The digital age has resulted in massive volumes of data being generated. AI systems can mine this data for patterns, insights, and trends that people would overlook. Furthermore, greater device and internet connection enables AI systems to access and interpret data from several sources, resulting in more thorough assessments.

Automation and efficiency:

Artificial intelligence has the ability to automate repetitive and monotonous processes, allowing human resources to focus on more creative and high-level activities. Automation has the potential to boost efficiency, production, and cost savings in a variety of sectors.

AI can analyse enormous volumes of data to detect patterns and make predictions or suggestions based on that analysis. This capacity can help people make better educated judgements in business, healthcare, finance, and other fields.

Among the uses of AI are:

Natural language processing (NLP): 
Artificial intelligence (AI) systems can interpret and process human language, allowing applications such as voice assistants, language translation, sentiment analysis, and chatbots.

AI algorithms can analyse and interpret photos and videos, allowing applications such as facial recognition, object identification, autonomous cars, and content screening.

Artificial intelligence may help with medical diagnostics, medication development, personalised therapy, and patient monitoring. It can also analyse massive medical datasets to find trends and forecast illness prevention and therapy.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is utilised in fraud detection, algorithmic trading, risk assessment, and personalised financial advising.

Manufacturing and logistics:
 Artificial intelligence-powered robots and automation systems may improve manufacturing processes, optimise supply chain management, and increase quality control.

AI methods are used in video games to produce intelligent virtual characters, realistic simulations, and adaptive gameplay.

AI can detect and respond to cybersecurity threats by analysing network traffic patterns and abnormalities, detecting possible dangers, and strengthening system defences.

These are just a few instances of how AI is being used in a variety of sectors to transform the way we live and work.